Recent technological developments now permit SAR aircraft, helicopters and drones to take thousands of image-recognition images during current active SAR missions, greatly improving the mission's target detection rates.
Recent advances in use of satellite data to predict sea-ice in the key summer period can be found in the following publication:
Landy, J.C., Dawson, G.J., Tsamados, M. et al. A year-round satellite sea-ice thickness record from CryoSat-2. Nature (2022).
Seafarers during ship abandonment need to take copies of logbooks and nautical charts with them. However, results of the SARex2- exercise show that in the cold Arctic, such action is very unlikely. On the other hand, most ships have this information in electronic form.
Experience from East Mediterranean shows that some states use maritime activities as opportunities for tensions and sovereignty disputes. Such opportunities include SAR operations and broadcasting NAVTEX messages. Notable cases are also navigation and operation of warships, military aircraft and fishing boats.
The idea is to mount a novel low-cost, lightweight and miniature acoustomicrofluidic nebulisation platform onto an unmanned aerial vehicle or miniature autonomous robotic vehicle to autonomously and remotely deliver therapeutics and antidotes via inhalation to incapacitated subjects exposed to hazardous threats rapidly.
The Department of Public Safety Canada is developing a SAR database to enable common storage of Canadian SAR case data whether Ground, Air, or Maritime SAR, since each area of SAR falls under a different jurisdiction in Canada.